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Neat little game! Yeah piggy is invincible, but the concepts are well executed for what it is!

This is a cool pixel roguelike game for anyone who feels nostalgic about Gameboy games!

Love the graphics. Super fun too!

Such a cool game, and very good graphics and music :)
But if I had a feedback there is no more fun with the next characters, especially with Piggy because you are really invincible. (But the concept is very cool !)
So there's a little lack of challenge and especially of aim. Why am I playing ?  If it is to score the max floor it's too easy and repetitive, if it's to reach the boss floor it would be better but the boss sould be announced and be around the 10th floor
That could be really nice that exploring has a real benefit, for exemple try to kill the more ennemy possible to up your leveling and be more prepeared for the boss

That's only my opinion, for your next games maybe. But, cool game, thank you :)


Awesome game,  the visuals are super cool, real time lighting is awesome. Really like the fact that there different characters to unlock with different attacks. Also the infinite jump felt like quite a clever feature to me.

Wow thanks for making a video! I'm actually working on a proper sequel in my spare time! Progress example:

Woah that looks cool! Can't wait to see how it evolves.

Hey great work on the current version. I love the slashchicken and the Mother Russia bug. I have a few questions tho. Are the extra blocks that are in the way of your progress apart of the game and im just really stupid, or is it a bug in the random generator? I'm very happy with your work and I hope you keep working on this. Thanks!

hey thanks! It's actually a bug in the generator. :( 

However if I remember correctly, you can destroy (and create) blocks with the mouse. It's a little debug thing I forgot to remove. But for thjs situation it's quite helpful! 

Thx for responding. I actually want to try what u said. Maybe it could be an idea for puzzles in your latest work. Thx again for responding.

Great aesthetic, fun to play.

Very fun little roguelike with minimal features... too bad that half of my runs end when I find a generation glitch where I can't get to the next floor.

Rollerpig vs Goku

Gunna have to give it to rollerpig

Rollerpig is life

I am very fond of this concept. It has a classic arcade feel with some fun little twists. I really enjoy the lighting, monochromatic scheme, and the cute and creepy 8 bit sound track.  I also quite like the lighting dynamics. I do have a couple of critiques.

1. The control scheme isn't really all that intuitive in my opinion. I would opt for ASDF controls, with spacebar jump and click attack, given the option.

2. Slash Chicken and ratbone are very vulnerable characters. Their attacks don't invoke an invulnerability state, or prevent enemies from hitting you in any way that I can tell. Rollerpig, on the other hand, is an easy choice, seeing as for as long as you are holding attack, you are nigh invincible, and constantly attacking, while also receiving a boost to mobility. I think rollerpig was fun, so maybe only a minor nerf to his attack if any, such as certain actions breaking it, or maybe a stamina bar? The others definitely need a buff of some kind, or a defensive ability.

found a fun  lil bug. hit the character select button, then arrow right very quickly and you can select other characters without paying for them

Wow really?! Haha well that's not supoosed to happen! xD 

It is a fun bug though, I'll leave it in for now. :P

Super awesome. Great work.

Roller Pig too OP! Hold F Key and Jump and you are invulerable

Roller Pig too OP! Hold F Key and Jump and you are invulerable

I loved playing this game, though I was slightly confused at first as to why we kept going deeper into the dungeon without facing any bosses, or finishing the game, until I read that it's a roguelike :p

I can see why the playable characters were lined up in that order, as Slasher Chicken is able to juggle enemies with it's sword, Roller Pig can roll around, even in the air, and not get hurt at all, Swarm Bug and Rat Bone both require some strategy in terms of how and when to dispatch enemies, with Rat Bone being very satisfying when his boomerang ricochets all around a room and hits everything (aside from when it travels through a wall, disappears, and magically reappears in your grasp :p), despite needing to occasionally fetch it when it goes to far, while Swarm Bug's minions can only attack from the side and below.

The music, though repetitive, really set the tone of delving through a dungeon, and the lighting aspect really made me move through each empty corridor and column cautiously, which is a good thing in a roguelike as you never know when you're going to get ambushed :p

Overall. I had a good time playing this game, and I look forward a sequel that has a story in it :)

Thank you for playing! :) I love the fact that you played with all of the characters. ^^

You're welcome, Rilem; the others who posted before me gave me the idea to experiment with all 4 of your characters :)

I loved playing this game, though I was slightly confused at first as to why we kept going deeper into the dungeon without facing any bosses, or finishing the game, until I read that it's a roguelike :p

I can see why the playable characters were lined up in that order, as Slasher Chicken is able to juggle enemies with it's sword, Roller Pig can roll around, even in the air, and not get hurt at all, Swarm Bug and Rat Bone both require some strategy in terms of how and when to dispatch enemies, with Rat Bone being very satisfying when his boomerang ricochets all around a room and hits everything (aside from when it travels through a wall, disappears, and magically reappears in your grasp :p), despite needing to occasionally fetch it when it goes to far, while Swarm Bug's minions can only attack from the side and below.

The music, though repetitive, really set the tone of delving through a dungeon, and the lighting aspect really made me move through each empty corridor and column cautiously, which is a good thing in a roguelike as you never know when you're going to get ambushed :p

Overall. I had a good time playing this game, and I look forward a sequel that has a story in it :)

Slasher Chicken and Roller Pig are the best characters in game.

Really interesting game. The light movements through the corridors are really interesting and could be more used with the intention of put a strategy  movements to split and face the enemies separately. The lack of diversity of enemies and characters power-ups and level design let the stages make the game boring but it can be enjoyed for a long time still, considering its a jam game. Congrats peep!!

I want to adopt slashchicken. 

What a cracking roguelike type game you guys have developed. I know the publish date  and I've looked at this a few times and thought "I'll maybe play it later" but I wished I'd  have played it sooner. I was having so much fun and enjoying Ducksoup Dungeon that the 10 minute video became a 30 minute video.

The only reason I stopped playing was becase the dog needed to go out. Damn ye beast lol

Top Notch


Thank you very much for the video wobbly! :) And also thanks for the praise! This is definitely one of my favorite game-jam titles, mainly because we were able to make a kind of complete game loop. That's why Diane & me have decided to casually start working on a sequel. ^^

Well, as soon as you have playable demo can you guys let me know. I'd love to do a video/review.

Thank you so much for introducing me to slashchicken. I still want to adopt slashhicken thoough :)

Fantastic work.


Very funny ^_^~

Super impressive job for a jam entry Woah! Controller support would set it off for me! 
but wow...  what a fantastic effort! Well done guys!

really really well made game

Can you add ways to make the character you choose stronger?

I love it! Got a couple of small requests though: a mute button, at least for the music, and more importantly a pause button. Thanks!

When you don't move and not surrounded by any mobs, the game is safe ^_^

Amazing game ,but a bit of a defect,pig almost invincibility.

Nice look, but can't play without W-A-S-D controls...

fuckin love the soundtrack


this looks so good! love the colors—wish i could get it to run in google chrome ):

yeah it doesn't run on chrome for me either

should work now :)
Construct 2 uses this obselete API, which causes an error hence the game remains dark.. if you want to play the game you have to break point at line:16270 in c2runtime.js and when it is there you can ihit esc and type in the console context.listener.setVelocity=function(){} 

Deleted post
Construct 2 uses this obselete API, which causes an error hence the game remains dark.. if you want to play the game you have to break point at line:16270 in c2runtime.js and when it is there you can ihit esc and type in the console context.listener.setVelocity=function(){} 

(1 edit)

Really awesome LoZ-homage roguelight and one of my first actual attempts at playing a roguelike outside Space Beast Terror Fright. I really loved it and wouldn't mind seeing an expanded version in the future (:

Fun thing I found out, if you use left and right click, you can place and destroy blocks.

i cant run the games it only says: "some features may be unavailable.please check that the profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents" , and it just opens this thing called NW.JS please help!


Hey Cat, Have you unzipped the contents of the game archive somewhere before running the game? It might be that the game has some dependencies on files it can't find when running the .exe without unzipping.


(1 edit) (+1)

This game is great. While its quite simple, which is an advantage, the game feel is amazing. The camera, animation, controls and movement, art, and lighting are all great. While the mechanic depth of the game is shallow, this makes it feel super deep. It was made in a game jam, so there was obviously a short time to make the game, but I think the enemies should feel a little more orthogonal. Super good though.

at first look the game is pretty good :D

Hi! I really liked your game! I spent way more time playing this game than I should have - I have assignments to do! Thought I would leave you some feedback.

It took me a few moments to get used to control scheme, but soon i realised the controls were very much like an old-school controller. Awesome!

The way the light came out of the character and lit up tunnels as you moved around them was a really nice detail that I think more games should have.

I thought the "Rollerpig" character was a bit overpowered. all I had to do was hold down the roll/attack button and everything in front of me would die. The only time I seemed to take damage was when I would hit a wall and characters would come at me from behind. All I had to do was get into a habit of turning before I hit walls and I pretty much lived forever.

As a way of saying thanks, I have tipped you five dollars! Thanks for putting your creation up and inspiring new game devs like me!

Hey Gargit, sorry for the late reply. I've been on holiday for a while. :) Thanks for your kind words and your donation! And yes Rollerpig is broken. xD I find Ratbone even more broken myself though. Exploring different playstyles for characters in this gamejam ended in some being OP. I really enjoy their distinct feels though, I might want to revisit this class based gameplay in another game in the future. :)

I really enjoyed this! LOVE the Gameboy aesthetic mixed with modern juice and lighting, awesome visual polish in here. I think Rollerpig's invincibility made the game way too easy, but part of me doesn't care because I had a ton of fun using it, haha... at least until Level 14 or so when his rolling ability stopped working for me. I played a little bit as Ratbone too, and his ability was great! Seriously, I love how great it feels to defeat enemies in this game. Awesome job!


Amazing ! The game is really well done in every manner : graphics are pleasant to the eye, gameplay is very natural and fun !

Thanks Pyrofoux :)

Any way you can make an executable version? My sister adores this and wants it for her laptop.

Not right now. : I haven't opened the project since 2015 so there might be some issues I need to fix before I can build. I'll take a look tomorrow. :)

That's all good, we can be patient! This is a delightfully awesome piece, for sure.

I added a windows version. Works on my machine. :p


AWESOME! Now, if only Bob & Dob could be expanded to have 10+ hours of gameplay. Just kidding. Thanks so much! You do great work.

Haha, I'll probably make a windows version of that one as well. But it needs a bit more work into the game itself before I get to that. Thanks for the puchase btw. I really appreciate the support. :)

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